Move In Cleaning Service

cleaning services for home and office

experienced, professional and local cleaning services

We contract with carefully vetted carpet and tile cleaners – we’ll even schedule this service so YOU don’t have to!

Move in cleaning service Folsom CA

Meticulous Move In Cleaning Service in Folsom

Moving into a new home or office? Our move in cleaning service prepares and disinfects properties for new occupants to move in quickly, free from the worry of lingering germs from previous occupants. Utilizing quality cleaning products and disinfectants, this service is used for both house cleaning and commercial office cleaning. Whether it’s eliminating lingering odors, sanitizing surfaces, or simply providing peace of mind, the move in cleaning team at Folsom Cleaning Co. ensures a fresh start in your new home or office.

What is The difference between move in and move out cleaning?

Move in Cleaning

Move-in cleaning often serves as a touch-up cleaning, particularly beneficial for homes that have been vacant for a period or where a prior cleaning service may have fallen short in some areas. Move in cleaning services are also sought after by new occupants who want a thorough once-over to eliminate any lingering germs before settling in. This type of cleaning focuses on ensuring the space is fresh, sanitized, and ready for new occupants to unpack and make it their own.

Move Out Cleaning

The primary objective of move-out cleaning is to leave the property in a clean and presentable condition for the next occupants or for sale. This thorough cleaning typically involves deep cleaning all areas of the property, including kitchens, bathrooms, living spaces, and bedrooms. In short, move out cleanings are significantly more thorough than its counterpart.

What does a move in cleaning include?

Your move in cleaning service will likely entail a once-over and disinfect of all surfaces, light fixtures, switchplates, glass and mirrors (excluding windows), toilets, sinks and showers, as well as vacuuming and mopping throughout. Sometimes, we come across clients who are moving into a home that was not cleaned at all before the prior occupants moved out. If this has happened to you, we recommend using the cleaning cost calculator with the setting for ‘Move Out’ to get the most accurate price estimate. Think of move in cleanings as spruce cleanings, which focus on essential tasks to freshen up the property and make it ready for new occupants. Looking for move out cleaning? Check out this page.

get an instant quote and book your move in cleaning today!

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